


The main objective is to redesign laboratory practical sessions in order to improve the learning of scientific and technical material within an educational framework. Subsequently, the division in time and space of the theoretical study and actual experimentation in the laboratory should be reconceptualized.

A virtual environment will facilitate the implantation of a constructivist learning environment, where the theory articulates the practice, and where actions and colaborative interactions in different spaces can be developed, which are related to a variety of representations. The system will integrate all the involved actors: students, tutors and professors, throughout the academic period. The definition of each application will have a declarative form at a suitable abstraction level for a teacher. An authoring tool will be developed for this purpose.

This objective must be broken down and seen from perspectives:

1. Modelization of scenes for the learning

Considering the models of learning based on social processes of knowledge construction and the Activity Theory, computable descriptions of experimental scenes will be elaborated. The descriptions will be done using a markup language that allows the context to be expressed, including the learning tasks as well as the media and people involved. A description will constitute an Active Document that when processed, will give create a virtual environment that will give rise to a distributed educational community, where learning activities are mediated by a set of tools.

The virtual environemnt will handle individual and colaborative learning in three secuencial stages: study and virtual experimentation at a distance, support in the accomplishment of real laboratory sessions, facilitate the analysis of results and elaboration of conclusions at a distance in a later phase.

Using XML as a metalanguage, a language will be defined with the necessary expresivity for this purpose. To this end, two related sub-objectives are defined:

1.1 Determine the elements to define in order to establish an ontology.
1.2 Express them in terms of labels and attributes.

2. Software design and construction

  1. To define and design an authoring tool that allows a professor to create the description of the activities in a learning scenario.
  2. To define an architecture which processes the descriptions and integrates the necessary tools in order to generate the virtual environment that will support the learning activities. In this project an architecture is required that is able to manage the Active Document (e.g., to access a document in the stable system storage, to validate its content, extract the pertinent information about the current user position, and process everything in a fast, efficient, and safe way), to deal with the management of the users (e.g., access to the system, formation of groups, treatment of entry of data, etc.), and to control the tools available (e.g., its state of activation, requests for startup data and the format of the produced data, etc.). With respect to that last objective, it will not only be necessary to prepare an API but also a guide to facilitate the incorporation of tools from other work groups (new or or existing, whether written in Java or otherwise) in to the system.

In addition to these specific project objectives, emphasis needs to be placed on the production of a system that is able to adapt to new educational scopes, incorporate the results of future didactic investigation, and finally, to be based upon standard open technologies in order to be able to function on a wide range of platforms.

3. Applications

The applications will be extended in two different ways:

1) In the context of teaching chemistry, the project aims to support the phases defined in 3.2.4 by means of the creation of an integrated environment that allows experiments to be undertaken which have been articulated with the corresponding theoretical study; where the experimental phase will be simulated in one phase and undertaken for real in another. The process of reasoning (analysis and synthesis) for each part of the proposed activities will be structured by the mechanisms that provide the available models. Furthermore, it should be noted that the scenario models and the associated DTDs will structure the different sections (theoretical principles, a study guide structured by objectives, glossary, access to external resources), which will be used in the scenarios.

As well as these environments there will also be the following integrated elements:

· Pedagogical components for the construction of knowledge
· Colaborativas tools for the edition of scientific content, which can be used in simulations and the structured communication/discussion.

The knowledge contained in the scenarios will be modeled independently of the pedagogic intention. To this end external knowledge bases based upon the previous definition of a conceptualization of the material (defined as an ontology) will allow the knowledge to be reused in a variety of scenarios and also to different degrees within the same scenario. At the same time the objective here is to create diverse mechanisms that will increase the knowledge associated with the concepts by means of the association of pairs of question-answer.

The tools for creating contents are also external to the environment and are integrated like a resource of the environment defined in the same model and parameterised as per the required activity. The editors included enable complex objects like annotated graphs, conversational graphs of the discussions in group, the presentation of chemical formulae, and multimedia simulations to be produced.

2) In the context of the definition of experimental scenarios the creation of a library of instructional templates or generic models of environments was considered, which can be instanciated to form certain types of experimental educational activities from the different models of proposed scenarios. Teaching will be structured by means of the combination of consultation scenarios with others of a more practical nature.

4. Methodology

Develop a methodology of development of experimental applications for distance learning based upon the construction of a scenario library, an organizational memory with use cases, as well as criteria for implantation, student progress and evaluation.


Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
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Copyright © Dept. of Computer Languages and Systems, UNED, February 2002